Shepherds are volunteer members of Joy who look after their ‘flock’.
Each Shepherd acts as the point of contact for the community they are assigned to. If anyone in their flock is sick, having a medical procedure, or is in the hospital, they let the Pastor and/or church office know. It works the other direction too! Joys and blessings can also be shared!
If there is a state of emergency (ex. Hurricane), they will check on everyone in their flock to ensure that they have a plan to be safe and secure.
A Shepherd may also coordinate transportation for a person who is unable to drive, be it temporary or ongoing.
You can be a Shepherd! Please let Donna Schmidt, our Shepherd Ministry Coordinator, know if you can serve your neighbors by being a Shepherd!
We meet the 1st Monday of each month at 2:30 PM in Swenson Hall.