Our Vision


Joy is a spiritual community sharing the love of Christ in a challenging world.


1. We will share the love of Christ to all through worship, friendship and acceptance by:

    a.  Introducing and advancing worship, music and fellowship experiences that meet the needs of our evolving community.
    b.  Developing ministries to families and children.

2. We will share the love of Christ by caring for those within our congregation and beyond by:
    a.  Listening to the needs of our members and persons in our community.
    b.  Expanding our ministry of care, based on identified needs.
    c.  Developing ways to share the love of Christ to those who partner with us through the use of our facilities.

3. We will share the love of Christ by reaching out to those we already know and those who we do not yet know by:
    a. Expanding learning opportunities.
    b. Expanding community events offerings.
    c. Increasing our social media presence and publicity.

4. We will share the love of Christ through our generosity by:
    a. Growing financial support for our Congregation and our missions.
    b. Growing opportunities for service to others.
    c. Identifying the gifts of our members and finding ways to use those gifts in our ministries.

5. Joy will continually evolve to meet the changing needs of our congregation and community by:
    a. Evaluating all ministries and programs to determine if they are successfully meeting needs.
    b. Evaluating our VISION annually to make adjustments as circumstances change.

Proverbs 29:18
Where there is no vision, the people perish