The Worship and Music Ministry’s focus is on the Worship Service and the Music aspects of our Worship services. There are so many details that go on behind the scenes to provide the Wednesday, and Sunday Worship Experience. Ushers, Alter Guild members, Worship assistants, musicians, choir members, Handbell Choir members, instrumentalists, technical operations, and many more who dedicate their time to prepare and guide our Worship. This ministry meets the first Saturday of each month at 1:00 pm in Swenson Hall.
Music is worship
Music that honors God will cause our hearts to sing. And when our hearts sing, worship happens. At Joy, we sing praises with grateful hearts. We are excited to include in our worship services a wide variety of musical styles, talent, and instrumentation. The hymns and songs we sing range from the traditional to more modern and are found in our hymnals. We do incorporate more contemporary songs as well. Our choir has grown and become quite active post-COVID. We also have an active handbell choir that regularly enhances our worship services with an additional layer of musical artistry.
Please let us know if you are interested in participating in our music ministry, we will welcome you!
Each of our services has a little different feel musically, so come and join us and see what style you prefer!
There is something for everyone with regards to Joy’s music ministry!